Isometric Broadcast

14 November 2022

Press release.

Proxistore© announces the launch of ISOMETRIC BROADCAST and ISOMETRIC BROADCAST CUSTOM.

Proxistore© announces the launch of ISOMETRIC BROADCAST and ISOMETRIC BROADCAST CUSTOM.

Thanks to a unique and extensive collaboration with Microsoft Xandr, Proxistore©’s patented geolocation technologies are now available, free of charge, through national, multi-local or local maps in all programmatic ad buying tools.

This is an opportunity for the entire market of advertisers, agencies, drive-to-store players, traders, but not only…, to finally have a precise geolocation solution that is easily accessible in all DSPs on the market.

It is also an opportunity for all national advertisers to FINALLY be able to communicate in an isometric way, by no longer over-broadcasting in certain areas to the benefit of other under-broadcast areas, thus enabling them to reach consumers forgotten by the minor flaws of the programmatic world.

Bruno Van Boucq, founder of Proxistore© explains:

Today, an advertiser loses nearly 30% of its target audience because many geographical areas are not or not sufficiently reached by their programmatic campaigns.

ISOMETRIC BROADCAST is THE SOLUTION to balance the advertising pressure proportionally to the population of each geographical area

Do not hesitate to watch the intervention of the CEO of Proxistore© about ISOMETRIC BROADCAST during the last webinar of the association “Les Relocalisateurs”!

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